01 August 2008

friday fluff

In keeping with the cat themed week, here's some Simon's Cat for you. I could swear this was Gracie -

I first saw this Simon's Cat video on Shannon's blog and loved it. The good thing is that there's even more!

And a Tifa update? She's not hissing at us so much now and was actually pleased to see me yesterday when I fed her, raising her tail and a pretty little "meow" to boot.

Edit: since scheduling this post yesterday, there has been a rather feisty cat fight in the hall while I was out for only half an hour. Tifa was quite shaken and Gracie is very smug. *sigh*

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. I guess it was inevitable there would be some conflict. They'll just have to work it out between themselves. The last thing you want is a barricaded house!

  2. I just played the Simon's cat video at work (there's hardly anyone here) for Shahinaz and we giggled ourselves silly - our cats do all those things! (Though they've turned off the telly only accidentally. So far.) I didn't know there were more of these, we're going to have to preserve them!

  3. Very cute!! Love the video...Reminds me of our Sam at 3 in the am.... Hope Ant is well... Cathyxx

  4. Oh you poor thing. A year. Hope all goes well. Just finally catching up on blogs. Good luck. Cute video.
    Take care Jen and hope you keep your referee whistle handy *grin*.

