01 March 2009

Sunday arvo

Anthony suggested we take the Zodiac out onto the South Esk at Hadspen, something different and a change from the Tamar. We wanted to see how far up stream we could go - hopefully as far as Longford. However the river narrows here and there and we turned back after a while as a tight bend showed us some submerged logs.
During our little jaunt we were rewarded with some lovely vistas.

This is platypus country too. Some people we passed in a canoe said they had just seen one. I think the motor of our boat would've scared them away. There's a creek not far from my parents place that has had a resident pair from time to time, it's lovely to watch them foraging about in the shallows.

We did manage to attract the attention of some locals though.
On our return we felt that we had cleared a few cobwebs and are now ready to face a new working week - maybe.... ;)


  1. What a nice way to spend some time.

  2. This is a great thing to do before facing the working week...and looks so relaxing too!!!

  3. "There is nothing- absolutely nothing-
    half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats." So said Ratty. And he's quite right. Although wetting a line from the riverbank comes a close second. Puttering along in a civilised fashion is indeed good for the soul. How lucky you to be able to see platypusses...platypi...whatever! They are extraordinary creatures.

    As for facing the week ahead...Big deep breath now....

    Cheers...Ann :)

  4. I think water is the perfect compliment to the soul. There is just nothing like it for helping to settle and relax. Thanks for taking us along. It looks so beautiful.

