29 July 2010

*Giveaways* are a great way to say thank you...

... to that wonderful blogging community who has bestowed on me such kind words (and I've also been on the receiving end of some lovely giveaways too!).  So to spread the love this is what's on offer -
And a back view -
Lovingly hand made by me, this little backpack is surprisingly roomy and has leather straps for durability.

The usual drill applies, leave a comment at the end of this post and I'll close entries on, say, Sunday night (which would be Saturday night in some parts of the world).  I'll get the random number generator thingy to do the hard stuff and announce the winner on Monday.

This pregnancy has been pretty cruisy so far (except for the nagging nausea in the first trimester which has thankfully passed).  I've been making the most of each moment because this will be the last time I'll ever be pregnant (I've discovered that I'm one of those women who love being pregnant), I'm no spring chicken and that biological clock was ticking pretty damn fast.  We really wanted Tamsyn to have a little brother or sister so we're very thankful that we got the opportunity, and no, we're probably not going to find out the sex before it's born no matter how tempting that is!

Edit: After I posted this I thought that I probably didn't give a very long time frame, so I'll extend the deadline to Wednesday 4th of August.  

Also,  a few have mentioned my ability to sew leather.  I can only do this because I have an industrial sewing machine (we call it The Thug...).  However Nikki has a terrific leather sewing tutorial if you want to give it a whirl!


  1. Yay for surprise introductions! (more incentive to puuuuuush???). And now I have to take my hat off again, because you tackled sewing with leather.

    Or is leather akin to the zip fear which turned out to be a veritable stroll in the park?

  2. such a gorgeous bag!!! and you are amazing you have sewn with leather, this as well as reupholstering your lounge suite AND the pram! my hat goes off to you...I get nervous just with double thickness denim

  3. Hi Jen...what a great bag, please count me in. Leather straps, I've never sewn leather before!!! Enjoy this pregnancy♥x

  4. Holy smokes! You are giving this gorgeous bag away??!! Count me in!

  5. Cute bag! I think I was one of the last not to have an ultrasound and find out the sex of my babies. Never bothered me, you still have to accept what you get, LOL.


  6. Congratulations on #2, despite best efforts #1 will be at school before I actually meet her I reckon. Love the bag, leather not something I ever sewed!

  7. Leather? My, you are a brave soul! And I might add, an excellent seamstress; capable of handling any project, in addition to raising two little ones! The lucky winner will love the bag I'm sure. Put your name in the pot in place of mine; you deserve it! ---"Love"

  8. This is a lovely surprise Jen! Your bags are most desirable. I think it's marvellous that you and Ant are having another baby. It truly is a blessing. Ann :-)

  9. what a beautiful bag! I stumbled on your blog recently and have enjoyed reading. All the best for number 2.

  10. Gorgeous bag! Love your work, Fer!

  11. wonderful bag! I'd love to win it.
    You have great talent with needles and thread and yarn....

  12. It's my first time on your blog and I happen upon THIS treasure? How great!

  13. I'm so happy for you!! Its wonderful that the nausea has passed. There is something amazing about having a life inside of you. Have you felt the baby move yet?

    Love the bag!! Sign me up!! :) Christine

  14. Oh wow, Can't believe I almost missed this! Just in time I hope!

    Glad you love being preggers. I wish I did. I'd probably give it another whirl if I could face those 9 months!

